Saturday, November 22, 2014

Welcome to the Heaven's Design Yarnworks Blog!

Hello and greetings from the both of us! We're so glad you found us! We are two sisters who love everything Yarn. What can you do with a ball of yarn you say? Well, while most people immediately think. "Leave it to Grandma",  in our eyes, that simple ball of yarn can become anything!!! We've been knitting and crocheting since as long as we can remember. In our sight, a ball of yarn is just the beginning of a great project. (In other words, it won't be just a ball of yarn for long.) You knitters and crocheters out there know what we're talking about! 
Besides, our lives start out simple enough. Okay, maybe not exactly as a ball of spun wool or cotton, but hey, we can all admit that sometimes life seems to be moving along "stitch by stitch", if you know what we mean. That's the real reason we just started Heaven's Design Yarnworks. To share with you a simple, but powerful truth we learned along the way. Not just to sell some of our unique one of a kind handmade knit and crochet products. (Alright, some is a bit of an understatement here.)  But to remind people that their lives are truly a great work of art in progress! That day by day as they journey through life, the ups the downs, that everything is coming together to form a true masterpiece! Sort of like a ball of yarn being knit into a gift, unique and special. And that's the truth!
 If you've ever watched an artist, a carpenter, a baker, (alright, alright, or your grandma at her sewing.) You probably witnessed raw materials being transformed. At the beginning it doesn't seem to be much. But when the last knots are tied, the last brush stroke made, that  last minuet in the oven, oh what a difference! (Maybe it wouldn't be a stretch here to add, as the wide eyed kid exclaims, "How did you do that!") 
 We, and many others who make handmade items  know that some things are a real process. Just like real life,  it takes time. There are times of excitement,  like picking cool color combinations and patterns, and yes there are times of sorting out the knots and such. Well, we hope to give you a new perspective on handmade items. Our hope is that the next time you look at a hand knit blanket, hat, sock, or anything, that it will remind you that you are still in the making! The greatest artist of them all is still hard at work in your life each and every moment of every day! He's making you into something unique, unmatched, and un-flawed! You are Heaven's Design!
We would like to invite you to step back for a moment, and just take a look at the "bigger picture". There is only one you! (Yep. promise:) Just as each handmade item is unique, You are unmatched and special. Your Maker knows exactly what He's doing, and take it from us, if you haven't already noticed, often the most beautiful things are often made by hand with love. Your life also is  full of color, texture, complexity's, and love. So let us remind you again, you are Heaven's best Design!
We hope you enjoy reading our blog posts and feel free to comment! Blessings!

You can find out more about us and our products by following the links below:




